Real Life vs. Cute Country Songs

This week, unbeknownst to us, our upstairs toilet overflowed and then flooded our upstairs bathroom and then dripped through the ceiling all the way to our downstairs kitchen.  Now, our first and second floor has been taken over by over-sized, gigantic industrial fans and dehumidifiers that our local "flood restoration company" has provided.  My poor, innocent kitchen ceiling now has holes drilled into it, with dozens of plastic tubes sticking out going into and out of our ceiling.  As first-time home owners, this situation was in my Top 10 as far as the worst things that could go wrong with my home (with fire, tornado, earthquake, and termites being some of the other things). 

Below are two separate depictions between what my week has looked actually looked like and what a country song thinks it looked like: 

Depiction 1 - My Life This Week According to a Country Song:

  • According to country music, this is "just another day (week! months!) in paradise."  Below is a music video of the cutesy, unrealistic version of what my life looked like this week, as depicted by Phil Vassar in his country song, "Just Another Day in Paradise."  
  • I actually love this song, and have loved it since I was 15-years-old; however, listening to the lyrics ever since I was a teenager has given me unrealistic expectations as to the joy, calm, love and happiness that I would feel when something went wrong with my home.

Depiction 2 - My Reality and What My Week Actually Looked Like:

My Face:
My face when I walked in our kitchen and saw a huge puddle of water on the floor....and then looked up at our ceiling to see water dripping from it...looked a lot like Fuller from Home Alone.

And then I ran around in circles freaking out, and my toddler looked up at me wondering what the heck I was doing.  


NOTE:  I actually wrote this post last month, so for those of you close to me who are currently confused (and being like, "SHE HAD ANOTHER FLOOD?!") - no I did not have another floor; rather, I have been postponing this post for way too long.

Have you ever had a crisis occur in your home?  
Please share it with us!  Comment below! 
(I'm going to feel like crap if you say a hurricane or fire or tornado or murder - that would put a toilet floor in perspective - but please share your story anyway.)


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    1. Anonymous12 August

      We had a flood in one house, and I learned to ALWAYS turn off the washing machine hose between uses. We had another flood in another house, and I learned that we had a second shut-off valve for our sprinkler that we were previously unaware of. I also learned that the disaster clean-up companies are amazing! Grandpa Mia always says that as long we are learning, life is good! I think he means that as long as he doesn't have to clean up, life is good!


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