Top Ridiculously Adorable Videos of Twin Babies (and Multiples)

Cute Videos of Twin Babies

My good friend recently had twins, which has inspired me to collect all of the ridiculously cute and adorable videos of twins/multiples out there onto this blog post and webpage.  Here are my favorite twin babies (and multiples) videos so far:

Twin Babies Dance With Daddy

11-Month-Old Twins Dancing to Daddy's Guitar

Quadruplet Babies Laughing

Laughing Quadruplets - The Next Day

Do you have a great video of your twins/multiples babies that you want to share?  
Have your video featured on this post by pasting a link to your video in the comment section below (preferably via YouTube).  

You must have rights to the video in order to be considered.  All videos will be reviewed prior to approval and posting.